Project Description
SUNGAZING (2017- 2022)
Sungazing is a photographic series achieved through the physical transfer of videos of sunrises and sunsets gathered from YouTube. These videos are projected by an LCD beamer onto large format plate negatives.
The framing of each scene is defined by the path the sun has on the source videos, the exposure duration by the time it takes for the sun to cross the screen.
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Contact Prints from 4x5" Negatives
Test Strips
Process: Optical Exposure from Projector to Film / Diagrams
Process: Demonstration (stills)
Process: Compression and Expansion / Diagrams
Project Description (Extended)
SUNGAZING (2017- 2022)
Sungazing is a photographic series achieved through the physical transfer of videos of sunrises and sunsets gathered from YouTube. These videos are projected by an LCD beamer onto large format plate negatives.
The framing of each scene is defined by the path the sun has on the source videos, the exposure duration by the time it takes for the sun to cross the screen.
These long exposures of hundreds of dawns and dusks –originally and always mediated by electronic media– are re-coded through an optical analog process reminiscent of the Camera Obscura.
These re-coded photographic images become formally defined by a grid whose borders have been diffused and whose chromatic content has been amplified from its original electronic source by the various transfer processes to which they have been subjected: from the physical to the digital, to the analog, to the digital, to the physical.
In these series of signal transfers, the pixel, void of a specific scale yet perpetually confined to a square shape in our digital diplays and capture devices, gains a physical magnitude. Their pattern becomes an amorphous, compositive element with diffused borders, making the series of artifacts and artifices on which all images mediated by electronic devices depend; they emerge as new structures when converted into a material, physical, actual form.
Sungazing unfolds itself in multiple output formats, supports, and scales, using the specific characteristics of each technique as the main formal motif in each of the material outputs of the project: contact prints, large format c-prints, booklets, etc.